

  1. Download snekwars_client
    • Use git: git clone
    • or
    • Download directly here and unzip
  2. Open Terminal and navigate to the client
    • cd ~/Downloads/snekwars_client/
  3. Create Python virtual environment and activate it
    • python3 -m venv .venv
    • source .venv/bin/activate
    • pip3 install .
    • python
  4. Continue with registration
  1. Download snekwars_client
    • Download directly here and unzip to your Downloads folder
  2. Open CMD and navigate to the client
    • cd "C:\Users\%username%\Downloads\snekwars_client-main\snekwars_client-main\"
  3. Create Python virtual environment, activate it, and install the downloaded client (you may need to install Python3 first)
    • python3 -m venv .venv
    • cd .venv/Scripts && activate && cd ../../
    • pip3 install .
    • python
  4. Continue with registration


To use the client you must have two pieces of information provided by AHHC. You must have the url of the SnekWars server and a registration code (found on Discord OR by visiting our booth). With those two pieces of information you can create your account as follows using a Python interpreter:

>>> import snekwars_client
>>> snekwars = snekwars_client.event("")
>>> snekwars.register_account("Email Address", "Your Display Name","Your Chosen Password", "registration code")
>>> snekwars.login("Email Address","Your Chosen Password")

get challenges/data and submit solutions

  1. Login to Snekwars
  2. >>> snekwars.login("Email Address","Your Chosen Password")
  3. Query for challenge 0:
  4. >>> snekwars.challenge(0)
  5. Get the data for challenge 0:
  6. >>> data =
  7. Submit your solution for challenge 0:
  8. >>> snekwars.solve('1234')

You must submit your solution within 3 seconds of querying for data (by default...some challenges override this to a higher timeout). The .solve() function automatically submits your solution to the last .data(#) queried.

SnekWars presented by @0xAHHC